Monday, March 3, 2008
A very small world
I can't express how many times, out here in sunny Los Angeles, I run into someone I've met from living in Philadelphia or Atlanta, or in the case of about two months ago, Barcelona, Spain. It is the nicest, warmest feeling in the world when a familiar face walks right up to me and says, "hey, did you live in Philly?" It leads me to think about the grand scheme of this world we live in. How can billions of people be living on this Earth, and yet, no matter how far away we seem to move, certain people continue to cross our paths? I'm not a freak about it - I don't think that if we run into someone more than once we're supposed to take them to dinner and immediately become best of friends - but I do believe that we all have very important journeys and purposes in life, and that we are meant to learn from others. Today I feel so grateful that people continuously come in and out of my life with really great, meaningful messages. What a small world.