What can I say? The time just seems to fly by. I can't believe I've celebrated my second birthday out here in LA. Where does the time go? I'm not sad about getting older. I know I have absolutely no reason to be. And, after thinking back, most of the "life" goals I've set for myself don't have to be completed until I'm 30 :) So I still have some (some being the operative word) time. I have a friend out here who doesn't believe in setting goals. He thinks they just lead people to failure. I kind of agree. But I don't think I can help having a "vision" of what I see my life being at 30. It's nothing unrealistic, just making sure my life is still on track.
My brother Matt just turned 30 this year. He has lived a very successful life both professionally and as a person. I look up and admire him to no end. It's so surreal that we are all (my siblings) getting older. So, with him being 30, I know it's only 4 short years away for me.
I had what was definitely the best birthday ever. I had a group of my closest friends and loved ones together at a bar and we celebrated for hours. It's very rare that my friends meet one another, because I tend to run around and meet someone for coffee here or have a dinner with someone there...kind of thing. I rarely have get togethers where everyone gets to meet and mingle. This was the first time in LA that my friends have all gotten together. I have never felt more loved in all my life.
Every time a family member called me, I'd answer, and they'd just sing and sing "Happy Birthday." It was so great.
And now, I'm back to work. Catching up.
So, thank you to everyone who was a part of my special day. Your calls and emails made me feel so special and loved, and I greatly appreciate it. I always say, "Life is measured in Love." It's so true.