Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Inspiration

The whole concept of blogging has recently made sense to me. I realize that we are a society which has become intrigued by the day to day interactions of our fellow humans - famous or not famous. The whole "reality TV" should have led me to realize this sooner, but it's gotten even worse it seems. We have blogs, myspace, facebook, flikr, on and on and on. I've dived into this multimedia frenzy head first and have decided to take this opportunity to record MY day to day interactions. I'm going to hold the tiny gifts that life gives me randomly in the light of the Internet for all who care to read. Hopefully most will be inspiring and uplifting. I'll record whatever the heck I want. After all, that's what this is about, right? So it's here that I begin. God only knows what this blog will turn out to be, but I believe that over a little time it will begin to shape itself. Enjoy the ride and the updates.